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Mega Man’s Lost Robot Master: Bond Man

Aug 16, 2010 // jgonzo

The Mega Man Network has posted a very interesting article about Bond Man, a robot master that was cut from the original Mega Man. Wait what? What do you mean you never heard of Bond Man? From their article:

The initial proposal [for Mega Man] called for eight bosses, and since they were meant to be industrial robots gone bad, they were to represent basic elements relating to work and human service, like construction, electricity, timber felling, and bonding (glue, in other words). It was Inafune’s job to consider the ideas and come up with designs for them. Early in the development stages, it was decided that the number of bosses would be cut from eight to six. At the time, however, Inafune had fleshed out seven designs. It was Bond Man who ended up getting cut.

Check out the full article for the complete story!