The Blazing 10,000: A Servbot Festival Begins
Feb 07, 2011 // GregaMan
Okay, now’s the time, guys! Let’s try to break 1000 posts in the next 24 hours!
Valid posting period: Monday, 2/7 10:00 a.m. ~ Tuesday, 2/8 10:00 a.m. That means you’ve got 24 hours from right about now! Imagine you’re a servbot and leave a post in this thread about whatever’s on your cute li’l robo-mind.
As many of you know, we’re approaching the 1000 member mark for the combined population of our Japanese and North American Devrooms. That’s why, to celebrate and also to rile things up more than ever, we’re holding this event: “The Blazing 10,000! A Servbot Festival!”
“We’re pirates! You better watch out for us!”
“You need to keep your costs and risks as low as possible!”
“Miss Trooonnnn, praise me, praise me!”
You know the kinds of adorable things those li’l guys are constantly uttering, so do your best imitation and get to posting! Afterwards, 30 of you lucky servbots will be selected by raffle to receive a cool li’l secret something from our dev team.
Comment as many times as you like. We just want to see a ton of comments!
Good luck!