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Ducktales: Remastered patch updates

Nov 08, 2013 // Chris

Pogo fixes, cutscene skipping, minor stability issues and more have been addressed in the latest DuckTales update.

Duckfans on PSN, XBLA,Wii U and Steam may load up their games today to find a wee little present waiting for them. Oh yes,  DuckTales: Remastered has been thoroughly PATCHIFIED on all platforms. Let’s take it to JimmyRey for more details.

Here’s a condensed list of the changes you should see.

-Pogo fix- Some users reported that the pogo was unreliable.  Tweaking the window at which the game looks for the pogo input seems to have fixed the issue.  It seems that it was too short and that some users set ups were dropping input frames

-Flashing characters- Got rid of the flashing characters.

-Wii U crashing on the leaderboards

-Duckworth sometimes fails to lower down the safe.

-The title crashes to a black screen when skipping the pre-race cinematic of Magica and Glomgold.

-In certain conditions the title would fail to respawn correctly after a failed attempt for the race to the dime.

We’ve also addressed several stability and crash issues, but the above were the most reported.  If you have an issue you don’t see, please check the patch if it’s still there when the patch comes out.

We also added the below item due to a large request:

Quick Cinema mode- This mode will skip most of the cutscenes when activated.  The option will show up if you have at least one playthrough completed, even it if was pre-patch.  It’s not a true speedrun option like we wanted to, but some areas, like removing the random number events proved to be risky.

Thanks again for all of your support and we hope the fixes will improve your experience with DuckTales.

There you have it. Not a bad excuse to fire up a timeless classic again. Of course, these updates are also applicable to the retail/disc versions headed to North American retailers November 12th (THIS TUESDAY!)

Hardcore Duckfans should also be aware of that that T arget is also offering an exclusive Limited Edition of the game with a DuckTales pin with the Wii U edition, so I’d recommend pre-ordering ASAP before the rest of the world catches on.