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Dustforce to tidy up Xbox 360, PS3 and Vita this January

Oct 08, 2013 // Chris

You may have heard whispers of Dustforce back at PAX Prime , but today we’ve got a ton of new screens and info regarding one of the PC’s most charming indies coming to consoles this January.

For those not in the know, Dustforce is a finely-crafted, wonderfully old school platformer with a bit of twist: In order to save the world, you’re gonna have to clean it!

By mastering the “Custodial Arts” you’ll employ expertly-timed jumps, chained attacks, wall runs, and other precise acrobatics in order to rid the world of dirt, dust, and other forms of grime. Think Dante or Strider, but if they swapped out their swords for Dirt Devils and longbrushes.

Meet Dustman, Dustgirl, Dustkid, and Dustworth

Each of the four “Titans of Tidiness!” offer their own unique play style, and you can eventually determine for yourself which selectable character is best suited for a scoring those coveted “S” rankings on a given challenge. Right out of the box Dustforce will sport 50+ levels of hardcore hygiene, numerous ranked and private multiplayer matches for up to four players, Trophy/Achievement support, and online leaderboards. Better still, the PS3 and PS Vita version will feature crossplay/cross saves, as well as ad-hoc support for Vita and replay saves for PS3. (And on a personal note, I can’t help but mention that Dustforce lays claim to one of my favorite game soundtracks of this generation.) 

We can’t wait for you to experience the ultra-pleasant challenges Hitbox Team ’s lovingly assembled for you, so stay tuned for more info.

Oh, and if you’re attending New York Comic-Con this weekend, be sure to drop by the Capcom booth and give the game a whirl. Dustforce is set to sweep up on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita this January for $9.99/€9.99.