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Take a gander at DuckTales: Remastered’s PlayStation 3 retail box

Jul 12, 2013 // Chris

See what Duckfans across America can pick up at retailers starting August 20th

Yesterday we tossed you DuckTales: Remastered release dates , but perhaps the most startling of all was an actual physical PS3 edition fans will be able to pick up on US store shelves starting August 20th. Yep, this thing is on its way into existence as we speak. Have a look:

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Classy, right?! Encapsulates Scrooge and the gang’s spirit of adventure, references the old NES box art, and even gives a shoutout to the levels in the game. But that’s not all! Inside each case you’ll not only find a redeemable DuckTales: Remastered PSN download code, but an exclusive pin exclusive DuckTales Disney collector’s pin!

The whole shebang will cost ya $19.99 and I don’t mind saying it’s pretty perfect for the DuckTales fan who love keepsakes and physical copies of stuff. If you care not for plastic cases, then feel free to simply purchase the thing digitally for $14.99 on Steam, PSN or Wii U starting August 13th (Sept. 11th for XBLA). Head here to see more DuckTales or check out the first part of our ” Duckumentary ” series with WayForward below.