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Introducing the World Warriors Podcast

Aug 23, 2011 // Snow

Capcom-Unity is lacking a Street Fighter podcast. A few of our members saw this, and took up the challenge of filling that void themselves. The result? Capcom-Unity now has a Street Fighter podcast, and they call it “World Warriors.” Fitting, fun, and they even let you hop in their episodes to run your mouth about all the knowledge you have to impart about Street Fighter and why you’re awesome, why Street Fighter is awesome. Did I mention it’s about Street Fighter? 

Here’s what Will, the host, says about the first episode: “Hello everybody and welcome to the first episode of the World Warriors Podcast. Each week we will be playing a Street Fighter game be it HD Remix, Super Street Fighter 4:Arcade Edition, or Third Strike Online edition when it is release.

This week myself and co-host  Thamantor  take on the Xbox 360 along with this week’s guest  Hi I’m Nasty . Watch, enjoy, and if you’d like to be a guest check out the forum  here .”

Watch it below!

Episode 1:  Part 2   Part 3   Part 4