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Autumn Harvest Fest is now live in Monster Hunter: World (PS4 / Xbox One)

Sep 21, 2018 // Yuri Araujo

Hunters of the Research Commission, excellent work surviving this summer’s hottest challenges. Between Lunastra’s relentless blue flames and the fierce meteor showers of the mighty Behemoth, we’re glad to see everyone still on their feet. And that calls for a celebration. Join us in the Gathering Hub for our latest seasonal event: the Autumn Harvest Fest!

The Gathering Hub will be fully decorated, themed after everyone’s favorite eerie season, and the staff will be dressed for the occasion too. Per our seasonal tradition, we’ll be offering a new food platter, festive fireworks and discounted prices on various in-game items. Also be sure to check your Daily Login Bonus to receive two Lucky Vouchers per day!

Of course, you’ll want to get into the scary mood with your own costumes and masks, so be sure to complete your Daily Limited Bounties and take on some of our new Event Quests to unlock new gear and new layered armor pieces.

Speaking of Event Quests, here’s a couple of highlights of what’s on rotation right now:

USJ: Gold Star Treatment and USJ Blazing Azure Stars!

These two quests will get you fancy gear created in collaboration with Universal Studios Japan! Also totally worth taking on these quests just to check out the sizes of Great Jagras and Dodogama…

Where Sun Meets Moon

This quest will unlock a new set of fluffy Dual Blades inspired by the elusive Downy Crakes. Have you caught any for your room yet?

A Royal Pain

Fighting a Rathian and a Pink Rathian at the same time is no joke… but the rewards can be pretty funny. Complete this quest to make Mosswine Mask and Faux Felyne layered armor pieces.

In addition to these new quests, you can also take on most previously available Event Quests, including “Wiggle Me This,” “Egg Lovers United,” the Kulve Taroth Siege, returning Arch-Tempered Elder Dragons, and Behemoth (Extreme). This list also includes special collaboration quests, featuring Street Fighter, Mega Man, Devil May Cry, and Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4 exclusive). For the full list of available quests, check out the Monster Hunter: World website .

The Autumn Harvest Fest is live now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, until October 4 th . Stay tuned to the Monster Hunter channels on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news and updates on the dates for the PC version.