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24 pictures of Monster Hunter The Real 2014

Mar 19, 2014 // Yuri Araujo

What if your favorite Monster Hunter monsters were…  REAL !

So some of our folks here made a quick trip to Japan and took a day to cruise around Universal Studios Japan and pretend to look frightened at the sight of these mechanical, but totally REAL, beasts!

Hopefully  Monster Hunter  will one day be as big here as it is Japan, just so we can get these attractions on western theme-parks, like this  Resident Evil maze.

Life-size Tigrex looking fierce

Some super rad Universal Studios Japan themed equipment

Rathalos taking a break from ruling the Real skies here

Adorable USJ Felynes!

Some sort of bag or pouch thing, made to look like one of the new weapon classes in MH4U

Speaking of MH4U, say hello to Gore Magala…

After you kill it, you can make this mean-looking Bow!

Eternal Eradicator – a classic Great Sword from the Freedom days

Now here’s something you could take home… a 1/10 scale Tigrex! Actually, I kinda doubt it’s for sale… =/

A Monster Hunter themed Food Truck, where you can buy “Well-done Steak The Great” and…

“Monster Hunter Drink The Great” – no I did not make these names up!

This GIF is a little bonus for you guys… also my first GIF! D:

WAIT, THERE’S MORE! To conserve your browser and data usage, I’ve put the remaining 12 pictures on this gallery. You’re welcome. =P

So what do you think? Definitely something worth waiting in line for, right? 😉