Announcing the Capcom Retro Idol Experience (TM pending)
Apr 15, 2010 // jgonzo
Here at Capcom, we sometimes live in a bubble when it comes to determining the popularity and/or cult status of some of our characters and games. Which is why we turn to you folks, the community, on such occasions!
For funzorz, we’re going to be kicking off this Capcom Retro Idol Experience!
But what is it? You ask breathlessly (and rather rudely!) Well, Mr. (or Ms.) Rudepants, allow me to explain!
Today I am opening up the comments section for you folks to nominate your favorite 8bit or 16bit Capcom game! JUST ONE!! Why? Because we’re going to use this information to allow you folks to affect the future of Capcom games. I can’t get any more specific, but rest assured that your votes will be noted and used as research!
All you have to do is leave a comment nominating your favorite retro game and one sentence explaining why. Remember, just one game!
Next week, I will choose the top 16 most popular games, based on your comments! I will randomly select one person to represent each game from the comments section in this here post (obviously, that person will have nominated the game they will be representing).
Each Capcom Unity member will get a paragraph to defend their game to the rest of Capcom Unity and the public will vote for their favorite afterwards (via a poll).
We will whittle down the 16 nominees to 10, repeat the process, and whiddle down to the top 6, top 4, and finally, we will have a winner!
The 16 Capcom Unity members will not go away empty handed, of course, we got a cornucopia of swag that they will get for their troubles. And in the end, all of you will be winners, because you will be affecting something special!
Nominate away!!