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Asura’s Wrath Unleashed Today, Intriguing DLC Announced

Feb 21, 2012 // GregaMan

President’s Day Weekend over?! GRRRRAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGHHHH!!!!

Man that feels good. But now I’ve got an announcement that’s sure to bring a smile to your face rather than a quivering grimace. For you see, today is the launch day for cinematic, beat-’em-up action game Asura’s Wrath!  Yes, you can now pick up this fiery, visual feast at local retailers across North America. If that doesn’t fill up your Burst gauge, what, pray tell, will?

It’s also my proud privilege to announce that we’ve got several substantial DLC installments on the way. Can’t say anything about dates just yet, but you can count on there being two anime-inspired episodes to help flesh out the story between chapters of the main game. These will be followed by further DLC wherein the Mr. Asura takes on various Street Fighter  World Warriors including Ryu and. . . ?

Now then! Hit the jump for some glamorous pics of said DLC, as well as our shiny new launch trailer.