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Pre-order Resident Evil 7 biohazard and receive a bonus Resident Evil movie offer!

Jan 09, 2017 // Kellen Haney

With Resident Evil 7 biohazard just a few weeks away, we have a special offer for U.S. customers to get into the spirit of all things RE with a pre-order bonus in collaboration with the Resident Evil film franchise!

If you pre-order from GameStop or the Xbox Store you can get the RE7 Survival Pack bonus and also be eligible for a digital copy of the Resident Evil: Retribution movie. Pre-orders via the PlayStation Network are eligible for a coupon code for 40% off from the PlayStation Store for the previous five Resident Evil movies in HD, bundled together in the Resident Evil Collection.

Please note that these offers are for the United States only. If you’ve already pre-ordered RE7, don’t worry! You’re still covered and will receive the movie bonus as well. For a quick breakdown of what you can expect with each pre-order option, read on.

For PS4 and Xbox One pre-orders at GameStop – you’ll receive a redemption code printed on your receipt when you pick up the game to download a digital copy of the Resident Evil: Retribution movie. PlayStation 4 pre-orders will receive a code to download the movie on VUDU, redeemable through the VUDU app on PS4, and Xbox One pre-orders will receive a code for the movie redeemable through the Xbox Store. This offer is available for both pre-orders and purchases of Resident Evil 7 biohazard in the United States through February 6th, 2017.

For Xbox Store digital pre-orders – you’ll receive a redemption code via the Xbox Live message center to download the Resident Evil: Retribution movie. The code will be delivered 10 to 14 days after February 6th, when the offer ends. This offer is available for both pre-orders and purchases of Resident Evil 7 biohazard in the United States through February 6th, 2017.

For PlayStation Network digital pre-orders – you’ll receive a code via PSN system message for 40% off the HD movie bundle Resident Evil Collection on the PlayStation Store. The collection includes Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Resident Evil: Extinction, Resident Evil: Afterlife, and Resident Evil: Retribution. This offer is available for pre-orders of Resident Evil 7 biohazard in the United States through January 23rd, 2017.