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Mega Man Game Boy games coming to 3DS Virtual Console

Jul 18, 2013 // Minish Capcom

More good news for the Virtual Console today…

Quite a while ago, the first Game Boy Mega Man title (Dr Wily’s Revenge) landed on the 3DS VC. That naturally led most of us to wonder, “are the rest of the GB games coming to 3DS?” Welp, after a year of wondering that myself, I’m happy to say Mega Man II, III, IV and V are ALL coming soon to the US and EU.

This is a great piece of news, as Mega Man V remains one of the coolest oddball (used in the most affectionate way possible) games in the series. Instead of Robot Masters, Mega Man fights Stardroids, and instead of a typical Mega Buster charged shot, he has a Mega Arm projectile attack (similar to the MM6/7 Rush upgrade). It’s a very clever entry that’s been hard to legitimately play for years, so pick it up!

Mega Man IV is equally impressive, combining aspects of the NES Mega Man 4/5 to create one new experience. I daresay it’s the best of the NES mimics (I, II and III also mix enemies and bosses from the NES) and well worth a look.

But wait, there’s more!

Mega Man Xtreme 1 and 2 are ALSO coming to 3DS! Like the aforementioned GB titles, these two remix aspects of the SNES games (plus some X4 stuff in Xtreme 2) to create something new. Xtreme 2 is particularly interesting, with its playable Zero and DNA souls / parts system.

Now, we don’t have release dates set just yet, but given how cool this information is (especially MMV), I thought it was worth sharing ASAP. I’ll certainly share the dates as soon as we lock ’em down, and we should have even more VC updates in the coming weeks.

And if you’re heading out to SDCC this weekend, be sure to take pics of the life-size MM statue at our booth, plus pick up a MM25 pin (and maybe an inflatable buster ) for free!