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BCR2 Movember Challenge: Win an Xbox 360-S bundle!

Nov 03, 2010 // MikeeB

In celebration of the annual November tradition, the BCR2 crew has decided to run a little contest. No not turkey and pumpkin pie… we’re talkin about Movember here people. If you’re unfamiliar with the cause, I’ll give you the 2 cent tour. Movember is a promotion where men across the globe shave and then grow a moustache throughout the month to raise awareness/donations for men’s health issues. Manly men will start clean shaven at the beginning of the November (that’s now) and grow the raddest ‘stache possible by the end of month .

This is where WE come in, obviously since Rad Spencer sporting the pinnacle of moustache technology, team Capcom is joining the cause and we’re hoping you will too! We’ve created a group here currently consisting of Capcom employees that we need you to join in and support the cause! Of course you’ll be rewarded for doing so. Not only will you get 1000 Unity Points (used for auctions) for entering and joining our group, but at the end of the month you’ll be eligible to win an Xbox 360-S console bundle with 4000 ($50) Microsoft Points included. This is of course aside from supporting a totally awesome worthwhile cause, for that you will receive piece of mind and warm fuzzies 🙂

Official rules and more info after the jump!

Ok so your interested in joining right? To submit your “entry” you’ll need to do the following

Step 1 . Show us a clean shaven face by the end of the week (Friday Nov 5) to either the comment section of this blog or better yet the BCR2 Facebook wall


Step 3 . To “complete” your entry you’ll need to submit a photo of your moustache progress during the last week of November again to either the comments here or the BCR2 Facebook Wall . I’ll send out a reminder to evreyone who entered sometime around then as well.

Moustaches will be judged on quality and likeness to our own Rad Spencer, so the more ‘bionic’ you go, the better chances you have to win the prize! Show us what you’ve got! For complete rules and regulations please check HERE .

To add to the fun, every once in a while I’ll post the progress of the Capcom employees who are joining in for you to either marvel or laugh at depending on the person. I’ll start a dedicated thread in the BCR2 Forum so we’ve got a place to chat and post pics.

Thanks for supporting a great cause! Plus winning Xbox 360’s is nice too right? On top of that remember that we’ll be giving XBLA/PSN away codes for the original BCR and other Capcom titles all week long on the BCR2 Facebook page !

The ‘stache abides…